K-Disk app to make job search easier

Thiruvananthapuram: The Mobile App is a digital workforce management system (DWMS) developed by the Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISK), the Kerala job finder app, to provide job opportunities at the fingertips of Kerala’s youth around the world.

Currently, 900 employers are registered with Apple. The government aims to create 2,000 jobs a day with more employers, officials said. Candidates who are registered with Apple will get timely notification of job opportunities on their phones as per their qualifications.

You can download the app through this link: Click Here.


About this app

The mobile app Jalakam, that will be used by enumerators to conduct the survey and to collect the campaign data. The trained enumerators from each ward will visit their allotted houses, inform the members about the purpose and benefits of KKEM. If job seekers in the target group are available the details will be collected with the help of the app.

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